Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Advantages of the Electronic Cigarette

Some non-smokers may wonder, “Why do people smoke?” When you consider the smell, the smoke and the cost, you have to ask. The electronic cigarette has benefits that the smoker and the non-smoker can appreciate. There is no smoke, bad odor, or second-hand smoke with the electronic cigarette. The electronic cigarette, e-cigarette or e-cig releases a water vapor that resembles smoke but without the chemicals or tar. The statistics that are related to tobacco smoke are morbid. Every eight seconds 1 in every 6 people dies from too much tobacco consumption. If there is no decrease in smoking by 2030 the number of deaths will increase.

More than 10 billion cigarettes are purchased everyday despite the health hazards associated with smoking. There are various reasons why people smoke. Nicotine is a very addictive ingredient of regular cigarettes. It is a stimulant that triggers the brain and makes you want more and more. When smoked with tobacco, it causes a slight rise in blood pressure. It can give feelings of calm.

Many smokers use cigarettes as a way to deal with stress. If your body becomes dependent on the stimulation, when you take it away the body can suffer physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms. Body shaking and depression may be a sign of nicotine withdrawal. There are good feelings when nicotine is present and bad feelings when it is absent. Nicotine addiction is a very difficult habit to break. The electronic cigarette can make this transition an easier one because it has a nicotine filter. The smoker can figure out how much nicotine they need.

Smoking can also remove pungent taste from a person’s mouth after eating or drinking particular items. Smoking can be social and peer pressure can lead to smoking as well. Someone’s environment may influence the decision to start smoking. Teenagers struggle with this choice and many smoke to fit in. You must be of legal age to purchase the electronic cigarette as well.
Due to recent laws banning cigarette smoking, smoking can be a chore for many. The most important benefit of the electronic cigarette is that it can be smoked anywhere. The majority of the no smoking laws state that the use of a naked flame. There is no flame or fire with the electronic cigarette. Legally you can smoke the e-cigs in places like airports, office buildings, restaurants and bars.

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